This week has been pretty anxiety because I am supposed to be leaving the MTC this Monday, but my district hasn't got travel plans for anything! It's kinda annoying. I need to work on my patience. We are all hoping we either get reassigned, or get a tourist visa to stay there for 90 days. We are just so eagar to serve. We see videos of people serving and it just gets us so excited! But other than that. Not much really happened this week. Tuesdays and Fridays are the best days because they have biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I think my goal in my life, after my mission, is to make the best biscuits and gravy ever! And if only biscuits and gravy had the same nutritional value as a multivitamin. Or just plain healthy for you. Sadly, that is not the case. I guess you could make whole grain biscuits, but who would eat those?
This week, my zone obtained 18 new missionaries and 14 are elders and 4 are hermanas. Most are going to Restestencia Argentina and to Chile. They are all good people! All work hard and have the desire to learn more about the gospel. The elders aren't very big fans of playing soccer as a zone, but that's okay. I still like them. One has the same birthday as me! August 9,1994! Represent! And he is going to be a pitcher for BYU when he gets back. He played for Snow Canyon and his name is Elder Gates. I don't know his first name. I guess it doesn't really matter when everybody's name is Elder or Hermana.
We had a devotional at the Marriott Center again and an old Quorum of the Seventy show up and talked to us about prayer. It's crazy that there are 3400 missionaries in the Provo MTC. That's more people that are in BYU-H! He talked about how having a sincere heart and real intent and faith in Jesus Christ will help answer our prayers. One thing that stood out to me quite a bit was the first thing he said. It was that we are all reserved for this time. It got me thinking about it. Why am I on this Earth during this time? Why wasn't I born during the time of when my siblings were born? And then I thought of Abraham 3:23. "Thou wast chosen before thou wast born." We are all here at a specific time to help somebody of our family or someone that you know. Now, most of his talk was about prayer. My family knows that I already have a strong testimony about prayer and fasting. So, this devotional was really personal to me. One thing that he said that most people struggle with, is that we should not repeat our prayers. What I mean is, make every prayer unique. Somewhere in Matthew it talks about that. I can't remember the exact scripture. Maybe that will be my challenge for everyone is to find that scripture. Also, we need to remember the words of Moroni in Chapter 10 and said to pray with a sincere heart, real intent, and faith in Jesus Christ. Will everyone do this? Will you change the way you do prayer, if you don't already do this? I testify, that praying with these 3 things as you pray, will answer your prayers. It may not be the answer that you want, but it will be answered. You kinda want to be in this Avatar State sort of feel. My brother, Chad, told me about how to do this. My brother is awesome. So full of awesomeness in him. I love him. Elder Kendrick, the seventy who spoke, said to ponder before you pray. So that's what I mean to get into that Avatar State feel. By Avatar State, I mean focus all your energy on that one thing. Close out the world and just focus. I feel like I've written about this before, but hey, reminders are good, right?
The 4th of July was great! We watched 17 Miracles, super sad movie, and after that we watched the Stadium of Fire, fireworks or fuego de artificiales. And we had Magnum bars! Don´t know how the church can afford them, but they were delicious!
Well everyone, that´s about it in the life of Elder Evans. Oh! one more thing. My companion and I got our investigator (which is really our teacher) to commit to baptism! We felt so accomplished. But now the hard part is to have him commit to living the commandments. He has stopped drinking and smoking, but tithing is really hard for him to commit to because he doesn´t have much money.
Everyone send letters please! I love hearing from everyone! My address is on the blog my sister made. I still need a letter from Levi Wright and the Park Family ;)
Love you guys! Keep up the good work!
Con amor,
Elder Grant Benjamin Evans
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