Hola everyone!
This week has had it's ups and downs, but it's been great! This week I got bit by a dog, ate Peruvian food, got someone to commit to baptism, studying a lot, walking and walking. My companion and I are on foot most of the time. But hey! That's good because I am starting to slim down. This last Sunday we tried to get a lady named Adriana to come to church. She said she would come and we told her she needs to come to church again so she can be baptized. When Sunday came, she didn't show up. Her excuse was that she was too tired to go. This is very frustrating because they know what they need to do, but people are too lazy to come to church. Another lady named Maria Vega is starting to read the Book of Mormon. She believes it is true, but has a hard time believing that Joseph Smith restored the true priesthood. I think I talked about this last letter I don't know. But anyways, her ex-husband won't let Maria Vega's daughter go to church. And so she won't come to church because she doesn't want to leave her home alone. So getting people to church is the hardest thing. So we have to let them know that they have a choice of going to church or getting dropped because they are not progressing and we have other people we need to teach. And what the benefits are to coming to church.
So what's great about our mission is that we have a high vision on people getting baptized. We extend the invitation a lot! Especially during the first visit. My district leader is really big about that and asks us everyday how many people are we gonna extend the commitment to. This is just my opinion, but I think the problem with is that they are really focused on the numbers. Getting people baptized is great! It's what the Lord wants. But, once we baptize them, no one in the ward talks to them or anything so they end up going inactive. Why baptize so many people and forget about them? Even us missionaries will go to their house and keep giving them lessons. It's just that since they are a convert to the church, they don't have very many friends. And then they just fall off after. So I think what we need to do better is keep them staying active. The members are more important to missionary work than the actual missionaries. Because the people stay in ward, but the missionaries move. Members need to be accepting to both less-active and recent converts. The Lord says bring one soul unto him. And big part of that is enduring to the end. Just like what Nephi says that they start at the gate to eternal life through baptism, but it's what after that matters.
So my family, in your wards, will you help the missionaries as much as you can? Let them know you will give the investigators a ride to church and let them know if they need anything. You guys are so important to us. I love you guys! I pray for you everyday! Stay strong in the gospel! Don't give up! A chapter in the Book of Mormon I would like everyone to read is Helaman 8. I read it this week and it is pretty sick! Love you guys! I know this church is true and through the members in the ward, we can bring so many people to eternal life. The Gospel is so great! I'm sorry this letter is so long. Love you guys! Stay strong.
Con amor,
Elder Evans
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