Hi Everyone,
This is Elder Grizzle according to my soon-to-be-nurse sister hehe. This week has been pretty great! Today is a big day because Tori is coming into the MTC! So unfair that she gets to leave in 2 weeks or so because I still have 3 weeks left here. Our district calls the MTC a prison because there are a lot of guards and fences everywhere. Also, there is only 1 window in the whole MTC! Okay chiste. I don't know how to spell joke in spanish. But there is one window in every classroom and it gets pretty claustrophobic. And we are starting to go crazy from language study because we do it so much. I can now teach the first lesson in spanish though! So that's pretty exciting! Still studying to Plan of Salvation. We have an investigator that doesn't believe in God, but believes in a higher power, like karma. We tell him to pray and ask, but he won't pray. He gets too tired from work. Any ideas?
Also, the broadcast was pretty amazing if I do say so myself. And the choir was pretty sick just because I was there. Chiste. I hope everyone is now being a member missionary because we really need your help! If you haven't watched it yet, I recommend to do so. Go to lds.org and I think its on the front page.
This Tuesday we had a devotional and it was the weirdest/coolest devotional ever. Janice Kapp Perry was the speaker. She was the person who composed a lot of primary songs. I think she also composed the EFY medley. That we have been born/as sisters of zion song. The weirdest part was that she was telling how she and her husband had met and the first thing he said to her while they met at BYU was that she was practicing her clarinet and the soon-to-be husband came up to her and told her that she could do something better with those lips of hers. Weird story already. The husband then came up off his chair on the stand and just kissed her! It was the most random thing I had ever seen at the MTC! First off, being out of the real world for a while and seeing people at the broadcast and holding hands was weird enough, but kissing in a devotional?! It was pretty awesome though. Everyone got up and started clapping for him. I was still thinking to myself, "what the heck happened?"
Also, this week was kinda sad for our zone. 8 elders in our zone left on Monday to leave for Mexico. They are the greatest! They made everyone feel welcome. And now that since they are gone it's been really quiet lately. But hey, they are here to do the Lord's work right? I have a picture of them on here somewhere.
Entonces...I also met me mission president this week! President Thurgood is his name. I don't really know much about him except that he was a religion teacher at BYU-I and that he served in the California North mission which is now the California Sacramento Mission! He didn't really know where Placerville was which was disappointing, but that's okay. He knows a little bit about the mission. We don't have bikes or cars. Just old fashioned walking. And we are going to live in a very developed place. He said the rooming is very good and that we will most likely have meet 3 times a day. 3 times a day! That's the best news I have ever heard! I'm gonna need to run a lot while I am out there. Also, we can drink matte (w/ an accent.) Matte is basically an herbal tea. It's just ground up grass put in hot water. So, hopefully it's good. I don't usually taste my food so maybe it won't be that bad.
Last week, we received 8 new missionaries! All are going to Argentina. 5 are going to Cordoba. 2 to Buenos Aires West and 1 to a mission that's around Cape Horn with the penguins. I didn't know people lived down there. They are all good diligent missionaries. They can play futbol, which is good because we play a lot of that here.
Other than what I just said, that's about all that's going on. Cordon Bleu is still the best dinner meal and biscuits and gravy is still the best breakfast here. How is everyone? Send letters please! There's nothing better to look forward into the day than getting letters. I don't know if I said that right, but you know what I meant. I can't think of an inspirational quote really from Avatar. But Iroh does say something to Zuko when he captures Appa. He says, "Who are you and what do you want?" I know I am a total nerd, but hey I love it! And also just remember, Si, se puede! (Sorry there are no accent options on this computer.
Con amor,
Elder Grant Benjamin Evans
P.S. Send pictures please
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